/*jshint browser: true, smarttabs: false, indent: 4, undef: true, unused: true, strict: true, trailing: true, onevar: true, white: true */
/*globals requestAnimationFrame, cancelAnimationFrame*/
(function () {
'use strict';
var Test, Cube;
Allows to manipulate the cube created using CSS and HTML.
author: Artur Kot (artur.kot@xhtmlized.com)
/*jshint browser: true, smarttabs: false, indent: 4, undef: true, unused: true, strict: true, trailing: true, onevar: true, white: true */
/*globals requestAnimationFrame, cancelAnimationFrame*/
(function () {
'use strict';
var Test, Cube;
Test = {
Checks if ‘requestAnimationFrame’ is available
animationFrame: function () {
return !!window.requestAnimationFrame;
Checks if CSS 3d transforms can be used
css3d: function () {
if (document.querySelector === undefined) { return false; }
var EL_ID = 'temporaryCubeCSS3dElement',
STYLE_ID = 'temporaryCubeCSS3dStyle',
$body = document.body,
docStyles = document.documentElement.style,
prefixes = ['webkit', 'moz', 'ms', ''],
function testPreserve3d() {
for (i = 0, j = prefixes.length; i < j; i += 1) {
if (prefixes[i].length > 0) {
if (docStyles[prefixes[i] + 'TransformStyle'] !== undefined) {
docStyles[prefixes[i] + 'TransformStyle'] = 'preserve-3d';
if (docStyles[prefixes[i] + 'TransformStyle'].length > 0) {
docStyles[prefixes[i] + 'TransformStyle'] = '';
return true;
} else {
if (docStyles.transformStyle !== undefined) {
docStyles.transformStyle = 'preserve-3d';
if (docStyles.transformStyle.length > 0) {
docStyles.transformStyle = '';
return true;
return false;
testResult = testPreserve3d();
if (testResult && docStyles.webkitPerspective !== undefined) {
$style = document.createElement('style');
$el = document.createElement('div');
$style.id = STYLE_ID;
$el.id = EL_ID;
$style.textContent = [
'@media (transform-3d), (-webkit-transform-3d) {',
' #' + EL_ID + '{',
' left: 9px;',
' position: absolute;',
' height: 5px;',
' margin: 0;',
' padding: 0;',
' border: 0',
' }',
testResult = $el.offsetLeft === 9 && $el.offsetHeight === 5;
return testResult;
Adds class at the top of the document. Useful for applying fallback if Cube cannot be fired.
if (Test.animationFrame() && Test.css3d()) {
document.documentElement.className += ' cube-3d-available';
Allows to create new Cube instance in the following fashion (note that ‘new’ is not necessary as it’s added inside the function below):
var myCube = Cube('.my .selector');
and later use any of the available public classes, e.g.:
The function is revealed using window
string Any CSS selector that will work with querySelector.props
object The cube’s options passed to the constructor.Cube
will return new instance of Cube.instance
constructor else it will return object with empty methods. Cube = function (selector, props) {
if (Test.animationFrame() && Test.css3d()) {
return new Cube.instance(selector, props || {});
return {
applyRotation: function () { return false; },
rotate: function () { return false; },
focusOn: function () { return false; },
spinTo: function () { return false; }
window.Cube = Cube;
string Any CSS selector that will work with querySelector.props
object The cube’s options. Cube.instance = function (selector, props) {
The only option that can be currently passed to the constructor is perspective.
props.perspective = props.perspective || 1100;
object A DOM element which is supposed to be a cube. this.$cube = document.querySelector(selector || '#the-cube');
object Options publicly available for methods. this.props = props;
boolean True if rotate properties (posX, posY, posZ, speedX, speedY, speedZ) has been set. See rotate
method below. this.rotatePropsSet = false;
string The cube’s rotation direction. Can be either ‘left’ or ‘right’. this.rotateDir = 'right';
number Determines how fast the cube should rotate 360 degrees. Value is in ‘iterations’, not milliseconds. this.speedX = 0;
this.speedY = 0;
this.speedZ = 0;
number The cube’s rotation value from 0 to 360. this.posX = 0;
this.posY = 0;
this.posZ = 0;
number The cube’s rotation value from 0 to 360. Used to ‘remember’ last values. See ‘focusOn’ method. this.snapshotX = 0;
this.snapshotY = 0;
this.snapshotZ = 0;
boolean True if cube is being rotated at the moment (rotate method is in use). See rotate
. this.isRotating = false;
boolean True if cube is being focused at the moment (rotates to show selected side). See rotate
, spinTo
, and focusOn
methods. this.isFocusing = false;
boolean True if cube has rotated to the selected side. See focusOn
method. this.hasFocused = false;
object Stores iterators for each axis. See spinTo
method. this.iterators = {};
object Stores timers (requestAnimationFrame). this.timers = {};
Cube.instance.prototype = {
and XYZ
array ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’ prefixes. xyz: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
XYZ: ['X', 'Y', 'Z'],
object Predefined cube’s sides coordinates. sides: {
'side-1': [0, 90, 0],
'side-2': [90, 0, 0],
'side-3': [0, 0, 0],
'side-4': [270, 0, 0],
'side-5': [0, 270, 0],
'side-6': [0, 180, 0]
Set rotation of the cube.
parameters: props
object Rotation of each axis in the following format:
x: [number from 0 to 360],
y: [number from 0 to 360],
z: [number from 0 to 360]
or predefined side string:
{ side: 'side-3' }
Usage examples:
var myCube = Cube('.my .selector');
// Set the cube's position
x: 45,
y: 30,
z: 270
var myCube = Cube('.my .selector');
// Set the cube's position
myCube.applyRotation({ side: 'side-4' });
applyRotation: function (props) {
var prefix = this._getPrefix(),
styles = 'perspective(' + this.props.perspective + 'px)',
axes = 0;
props = props || {};
if (props.x && props.y && props.z) {
while (axes < 3) {
currentDeg = props[this.xyz[axes]];
currentDeg = isNaN(currentDeg) ? 0 : currentDeg;
this['pos' + this.XYZ[axes]] = currentDeg;
axes += 1;
} else if (props.side) {
if (!this.sides[props.side]) { throw 'You\'ve probably entered wrong string as a "side" in "applyRotation". Try "side-1", "side-2", "side-3", "side-4", "side-5", or "side-6"'; }
while (axes < 3) {
currentDeg = this.sides[props.side][axes];
this['pos' + this.XYZ[axes]] = currentDeg;
axes += 1;
axes = 0;
while (axes < 3) {
currentDeg = this['pos' + this.XYZ[axes]];
styles += ' rotate' + this.XYZ[axes] + '(' + currentDeg + 'deg)';
axes += 1;
this.$cube.style[prefix ? prefix + 'Transform' : 'transform'] = styles;
Start infinite rotation animation.
parameters: props
object Rotate options:
string Specify from which side should the cube start to animate.
Possible options:
number Time in milliseconds in which the cube rotate around one axis (from 0 to 360 degrees).
string Can be ‘left’ or ‘right’.Usage example:
var myCube = Cube('.my .selector');
// Cube will start rotating
startSide: 'side-1',
speedX: 5000, // 5 seconds
speedY: 20000, // 20 seconds
speedZ: 10000 // 10 seconds
rotateDir: 'left'
rotate: function (props) {
var i = 0,
dir = 0,
XYZ = this.XYZ,
self = this,
props = props || {};
self.rotateDir = props.rotateDir || self.rotateDir;
self.isRotating = true;
if (props.startSide && self.sides[props.startSide] === undefined) { throw 'You\'ve typed wrong value for "startSide" option.'; }
self.isFocusing = false;
if (!self.rotatePropsSet) {
while (i < 3) {
if (props.startSide) {
props['start' + XYZ[i]] = self.sides[props.startSide][i];
self['pos' + XYZ[i]] = props['start' + XYZ[i]] || 0;
currentSpeed = props['speed' + XYZ[i]];
currentSpeed = currentSpeed === 0 ? 0 : (currentSpeed || 360);
self['speed' + XYZ[i]] = currentSpeed;
i += 1;
self.rotateDir = props.rotateDir || self.rotateDir;
self.rotatePropsSet = true;
if (self.rotateDir === 'left') { dir = -360; }
if (self.rotateDir === 'right') { dir = 360; }
spinToX: props.startX ? props.startX + dir : dir,
spinToY: props.startY ? props.startY + dir : dir,
spinToZ: props.startZ ? props.startZ + dir : dir,
speedX: self.speedX,
speedY: self.speedY,
speedZ: self.speedZ,
timer: 'rotate',
repeat: true,
easing: 'linear'
Animate to the specified side of the cube on ‘mouseover’ or ‘touchstart’ event.
object focusOn options:bounceBack
boolean If set to true the cube will animate back to its last position (before focusOn animation), else it will stay at the focused position.spinTo
string Specify to which side should the cube animate to. Note that this option will overwrite spintTo[axis]
number Specify to what degree each axis should animate to.Usage example:
var myCube = Cube('.my .selector');
// Cube will rotate to selected face
// either on 'touchstart' or 'mouseover' event.
bounceBack: true,
spinTo: 'side-6'
focusOn: function (props) {
var self = this,
isTouch = window.ontouchstart === null,
startEvent = isTouch ? 'touchstart' : 'mouseover';
props = props || {};
function focus() {
if (props.bounceBack) {
if (!self.isFocusing) {
self.snapshotX = self.posX;
self.snapshotY = self.posY;
self.snapshotZ = self.posZ;
if (props.spinTo && self.sides[props.spinTo] === undefined) { throw 'You\'ve typed wrong value for "spinTo" option.'; }
if (props.spinTo && self.sides[props.spinTo] !== undefined) {
props.spinToX = self.sides[props.spinTo][0];
props.spinToY = self.sides[props.spinTo][1];
props.spinToZ = self.sides[props.spinTo][2];
spinToX: props.spinToX || 0,
spinToY: props.spinToY || 0,
spinToZ: props.spinToZ || 0,
speed: props.speed || 2000,
timer: 'spinTo',
easing: 'out',
callback: function () {
self.$cube.className += ' focused';
self.hasFocused = true;
function deFocus() {
self._removeClass(self.$cube, 'focused');
self.hasFocused = false;
if (props.bounceBack) {
spinToX: self.snapshotX,
spinToY: self.snapshotY,
spinToZ: self.snapshotZ,
speed: props.speed || 2000,
timer: 'deFocus',
easing: 'out',
callback: function () {
if (self.isRotating) {
startX: self.posX,
startY: self.posY,
startZ: self.posZ
} else if (self.isRotating) {
startX: self.posX,
startY: self.posY,
startZ: self.posZ
self.$cube.addEventListener(startEvent, function (e) {
if (self.hasFocused) { return; }
self.$cube.addEventListener('mouseout', deFocus);
if (isTouch) {
document.addEventListener('touchstart', function (e) {
var $target = e.target;
if (!self._hasParent($target, self.$cube)) { deFocus(); }
Animate to the specified position.
object spinTo options:spinTo[axis]
number Specify to what degree each axis should animate to.speed
number Time (in milliseconds) that specifies how long it will take to spin to given position. Overwrites speed[axis]
number Time (in milliseconds) that specifies how long it will take to spin to given position for each axis.timer
string Timer’s ID. It can be reset if needed thus stopping spinTo loop. Timers are attached to public variable called timers
(see in constructor).easing
string Name of easing function (available functions: ‘ease’, ‘out’, ‘inOut’)callback
function Function which executes after spinTo is done. _spinTo: function (props) {
var i = 0,
self = this,
start = {},
speeds = [],
changeInValue = {},
changeInValueA = {},
changeInValueB = {},
dir = {},
done = {},
xyz = self.xyz,
XYZ = self.XYZ,
props.speed = self._calculateIterations(props.speed);
self.isFocusing = props.repeat ? false : true;
while (i < 3) {
start[xyz[i]] = self['pos' + XYZ[i]];
if (props['speed' + XYZ[i]]) {
props['speed' + XYZ[i]] = self._calculateIterations(props['speed' + XYZ[i]]);
if (props.repeat) {
changeInValue[xyz[i]] = Math.abs(start[xyz[i]] - props['spinTo' + XYZ[i]]);
} else {
changeInValueA[xyz[i]] = Math.abs(start[xyz[i]] - props['spinTo' + XYZ[i]]);
if (start[xyz[i]] > props['spinTo' + XYZ[i]]) {
changeInValueB[xyz[i]] = Math.abs(start[xyz[i]] - props['spinTo' + XYZ[i]] - 360);
} else {
changeInValueB[xyz[i]] = Math.abs(start[xyz[i]] - props['spinTo' + XYZ[i]] + 360);
if (changeInValueA[xyz[i]] < changeInValueB[xyz[i]]) {
changeInValue[xyz[i]] = changeInValueA[xyz[i]];
} else {
if (start[xyz[i]] > props['spinTo' + XYZ[i]]) {
props['spinTo' + XYZ[i]] += 360;
} else {
props['spinTo' + XYZ[i]] -= 360;
changeInValue[xyz[i]] = changeInValueB[xyz[i]];
dir[xyz[i]] = start[xyz[i]] < props['spinTo' + XYZ[i]] ? 'right' : 'left';
speeds.push(props.speed ? Math.floor(Math.abs(start[xyz[i]] - props['spinTo' + XYZ[i]]) * props.speed / 360) : props['speed' + XYZ[i]]);
i += 1;
speeds.sort(function (a, b) { return b - a; });
this.iterators.spinTo = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
props.easing = props.easing || 'linear';
function run() {
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
currentMax = changeInValue[xyz[i]];
currentSpeed = props.speed ? speeds[0] : props['speed' + XYZ[i]];
if (currentMax !== 0 && currentSpeed !== 0) {
currentDeg = self['pos' + XYZ[i]];
currentIterator = self.iterators.spinTo[xyz[i]];
currentDeg = currentSpeed === 0 ? 0 : self._ease[props.easing](currentIterator, 0, currentMax, currentSpeed);
if (dir[xyz[i]] === 'right') {
currentDeg += start[xyz[i]];
currentMax += start[xyz[i]];
if (currentDeg < currentMax) {
currentIterator += 1;
} else {
currentDeg = currentMax;
done[xyz[i]] = true;
} else {
currentDeg = start[xyz[i]] - currentDeg;
currentMax = start[xyz[i]] - currentMax;
if (currentDeg > currentMax) {
currentIterator += 1;
} else {
currentDeg = currentMax;
done[xyz[i]] = true;
self['pos' + XYZ[i]] = currentDeg;
self.iterators.spinTo[xyz[i]] = currentIterator;
} else {
done[xyz[i]] = true;
i += 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
if (done[xyz[i]] && props.repeat) {
self['pos' + XYZ[i]] = start[xyz[i]];
self.iterators.spinTo[xyz[i]] = 0;
done[xyz[i]] = false;
i += 1;
if (done.x && done.y && done.z && !props.repeat) {
self.isFocusing = false;
if (props.callback) { props.callback(); }
self.timers[props.timer] = requestAnimationFrame(run);
_ease: {
(apply for all easing functions below):currentIteration
number Current iteration.startValue
number Start value. For example: ‘10’.changeInValue
number Change in value. For example ‘40’ means that if value started at 10, it would go up to 50.totalIterations
number Tells how many iterations should pass until the animation is done. linear: function (currentIteration, startValue, changeInValue, totalIterations) {
return changeInValue * currentIteration / totalIterations + startValue;
out: function (currentIteration, startValue, changeInValue, totalIterations) { // outCirc
currentIteration = currentIteration / totalIterations - 1;
return changeInValue * Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(currentIteration, 2)) + startValue;
inOut: function (currentIteration, startValue, changeInValue, totalIterations) { // inOutCirc
return changeInValue / 2 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * currentIteration / totalIterations)) + startValue;
Calculates approximate number of iterations.
Converts milliseconds into number of animation frames for the cube.
It’s assumed here that requestAnimationFrame
will produce 60 frames per second.
number Time in milliseconds. _calculateIterations: function (milliseconds) {
return milliseconds * 60 / 1000;
Check if a browser prefix is necessary and, if it is, choose the right one.
Test is based on transform
property which necessary for the script to work.
_getPrefix: function () {
var style = document.documentElement.style,
if (style.webkitTransform !== undefined) { prefix = 'webkit'; }
if (style.mozTransform !== undefined) { prefix = 'moz'; }
if (style.msTransform !== undefined) { prefix = 'ms'; }
return prefix;
Check if one element ($parentEl
) is parent of the second one ($el
object DOM element (assumed children).$parentEl
object DOM element (assumed parent).$parentEl
is $el
parent. _hasParent: function ($el, $parentEl) {
var $parentNode = $el.parentNode;
while ($parentNode !== $parentEl && $parentNode !== document) {
$parentNode = $parentNode.parentNode;
return $parentNode === $parentEl ? true : false;
Remove CSS class from an element.
object DOM elementclassName
string class’ name, example: ‘my-class’ _removeClass: function ($el, className) {
var regex = new RegExp('\\b' + className + '\\b', 'g');
$el.className = $el.className.replace(regex, '');